The Blessing of Being a Grandma

Grandma Sharry:
"To me being a Grandma is a very big responsibility. I strive to be a more Godly example to my grandchildren, than I ever was with my own children."

Grandma Belinda:

"I looked forward to being a Grandma. God gave me a love for children and to have a granddaughter now just fills me with joy. When you hold your child's child for the first time, it is an incredibly awesome thing! You are overflowing with prayers for their health, safety and soul. When Kami first called me Grammie, I cried tears of joy. To watch your child and their spouse raise that child for the glory of God is something you can't even put into words. I look forward to having many more grandchildren. This Grandma has a large quiver!

Grandma Donna:

"Time with our grandkids is an opportunity from the Lord. We try to provide a haven from the world. Jordan always asks if we can read Bible stories and Karissa always puts the flannel pieces on the board. We want the children to be able to see Christ in us."

Grandma Lorraine:

"Every minute I spend with Gracie is very precious to me and each minute is not enough. I savor every day and thank God for giving me another day on this earth to be with my husband, children and grand child. Every person that God gave me to love, is a very special gift from Him and I don't deserve them. I am so blessed. It's hard for me to understand why He would give me so much when I am so undeserving."

Grandma Ginger:

"With grandchildren, there is a special connection from their eyes to your heart. They see you with recognition and excitement and your heart is theirs forever... Oh, what joy! Oh, what love!"


Anonymous said...

What a precious page. I look forward to when my time comes!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures grandmas!! Nice to "see" you all again, too!

Anonymous said...

You do not know how fortunate you are to have your grandchildren so close by. You have the pleasure and responsibility to be an influence on their lives as no one else can be. It is hard to do when they are hundreds of miles away. Never take for granted the time you can spend with them.