The Blessing of Being a Grandma

Being a Grandma for the very first time is the most inexplicable thing; however, I hope that I might be able to share what happened in my life when I learned that I was to be a Grandma.

Of course, the initial news was a heart-touching moment. My daughter-in-law, Ashley, showed us a photo of what their child might look like at only a few weeks after conception and it took me a second to grasp what she was saying. Tears flowed, and joy overwhelmed me, but it was nothing like the moment when I saw my first born, Chad, holding his first born. He was standing there in a pink t-shirt holding his little girl.

Kami brought depth to our lives. She bonded our families closer together as we now were sharing this little person whom we were all related to by blood. We became Co-Grandparents with the Ashley’s parents, Mike and Belinda, and we loved that thought. This family that was related by marriage is now closer to us than ever before! We praise God for the Blewer family and love each one of them!

There was also a depth in the way we viewed our children, both married and unmarried. Our children took on new roles as parents, Aunt, and Uncles and we could see that they were responsible men and women who are completely capable of leading others. As they make mature decisions, I try to picture myself making the same decisions at their age, and must admit that they are doing a better job. I find myself blurry eyed when pondering over how much God has blessed us with our children. We have five children that I consider to be friends, and can look upon each one of them with great respect. There are distinct and admirable qualities in every one of them and they have great potential for the future. I envision God using these precious individuals for His glory, (and perhaps filling my life with even more grandchildren…and even another daughter-in-law!)

I find myself playing with my little granddaughter and enjoying every new thing she comes up with. She is quite a character to say the least. She is a quick learner, and I find myself dreaming of the times that we will share learning new things together. She is already helping Grandma with her piano skills. (I am learning to play on the ends so she can “improvise and embellish” the song in the middle.) I am comforted in knowing that she is being raised in the best home possible, and that there is no worry or concern for her physical, mental or spiritual welfare. There is the knowledge that I am not responsible for raising her, only loving her and being the support that her parents deserve. I get to be her fun, loving, nurturing friend, and build an enjoyable bond. No spanking or grounding! WooHoo!!!

Finally, being a Grandparent has brought depth to our marriage. Mark and I can see generational curses and blessing in our parents and grandparents that have been either ended or passed down. We realize that our relationship to God in our marriage matters much more as we see our children raising their children. We can both say we are undeserving, but so incredibly thankful that God has been so merciful to us. We do not take for granted the biblical teaching that we have been given and see God’s handiwork in the face of our beautiful granddaughter, Kami Dean.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Beautiful! Loved the pictures. The baby is adorable. I think I am feeling just a little old right now though. :(
