A Godly Heritage

"Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord..." I think this includes grandchildren too! What a joy it is that God has given us not one...not two... but three beautiful little granddaughters! I consider it a great privilege to be able to have a part in nurturing our two oldest granddaughters, as our beloved "daughter" (in-law) has entrusted their care to me, two times a week while she teaches.

This is not only an awesome responsibility, but I see it as an opportunity to put into practice what the Lord has taught me since raising our own children.

I love the times when I can share with our oldest, Mykaela, why we do or do not, do something. I so enjoy being able to tell her what God's Word says about each situation. Because of how young she is, when I quote a verse to her, I also explain what it means. I pray each day that I will be the Godly example that my granddaughters need in their lives.

As I "mature", I spend time evaluating my life more and asking myself why I do certain things that I do? Why do I work in our church's Christian School three days a week and then come home to watch my granddaughters? A lot of reasons come to mind. Yes, I do want to be a help and blessing to my son and "daughter", but mostly, I want to have a part in spiritually nurturing them for eternity. It's like God has given me a second chance to do better than I did with the raising of our own two boys.

I wasn't raised in a Christian home, therefore, I want to give my grandchildren something I never had. I want to be a Godly example to them by showing them the love of God in every situation that comes up. I want to model for them, God's forgiveness, grace and mercy.

The message that I'm trying to get across, is that the main goal of my time spent with my granddaughters, is to show them such a Christ-like spirit, that someday, as they get older and begin to understand spiritual things, that they too will want to know my Wonderful Lord! I want to be like Christ and maybe they will want to be just like "Nana".


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Anderson,
You are a wonderful blessing and example of a Christ-like woman to more than just your grandgirls!
one of your favorite (?) kitchen crew :)

Anonymous said...

So Precious! And so blessed! I wish I could have that relationship with my grandmothers!

Anonymous said...

hey Debbie,
love the picture of you with your granddaughters!!! Thanks for sending me your church blog. Isn't a GREAT being a GRANDmother??!!
Can you believe we've known each other over 30 years??!!
Catch ya later.
Love Liz